Search Results
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting Fall Club Hunt cool finds
Midwest Diggers - 60 Metal Detecting finds in 60 seconds
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting quick solo hunt at State area
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting old house in South East Nebraska
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting 1800's site Indian Heads & V Nickels
Midwest Diggers - 1st Metal Detecting outing of 2017
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting old Fairgrounds
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting old construction site Night Hunt
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting old 1800's forest
Metal Detecting Finds Civil War & Colonial Coins, Buckles, and Silver. We Thought We Were Dreaming.
1700s Club Coin... Again - Metal Detecting
Midwest Diggers - Metal Detecting in February